During a divorce, dividing the matrimonial assets can be particularly complex. The law requires a financial split that is fair to both parties, allowing each to move on.

Often, the choice of the expert is crucial in divorce and matrimonial finance cases. The courts and the lawyers place a heavy reliance on an expert with specialist knowledge.

A client often wants valuations in advance of taking decisions in relation to how assets are to be dealt with. We are here to guide you to ensure that appropriate financial advice can be secured through a specialist third-party where appropriate. For example, in the valuation of family run businesses where there may not be a clear formula as to how the business is to be valued in the future, our lawyers work with specialist accountants.

Pension Valuations

A pension can amount to quite a lot during the course of a marriage. As such a court might make a Pension Sharing Order to split the pension between the parties. With such pension earmarking, a court will give an amount of the pension benefits to a spouse.

However, pension offsetting is more common. In this case, a party’s share of the pension is exchanged for a greater share of non-pension assets. This might be the cash equity from a property, for example.

Due to the complexities of a pension’s value, accountants or actuaries might need to look at the potential value. At BTMK we only partner with experienced independent financial advisors (IFA) and matrimonial asset valuers in London who have the relevant knowledge.

Other Matrimonial Assets

Other valuables can have a significant impact on the value of matrimonial assets. These might include:

  • Property investments
  • Personal businesses and shares in businesses
  • Vehicles
  • Antique furniture
  • Fine art and jewellery

BTMK has the knowledge and experience to help you get the right result. We work with experts in all disciplines in order to determine the value of any assets which are, or are likely to be, considered relevant during the division of matrimonial assets.

With London based property attracting a significant premium, getting the right advice early is vital to allow smooth negotiations throughout the divorce process.

We can also work with foreign valuers where there are properties or assets held out of the jurisdiction, as well as instructing barristers who regularly deal with high value divorces and who share the levels of expertise which BTMK offers during what can be a highly stressful and emotional process.

We work with experts within England and Wales as well as outside of the jurisdiction where those assets are likely to be considered as an asset of the marriage. We are specialists in helping you to secure the correct advice to make sure that the valuations can stand up in court and that they can be supported with relevant evidence.

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Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Alan Simpson

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Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

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Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

Kevin Bourley

Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

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Residential Property & Conveyancing, Commercial Property | BTMK Alan Simpson

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Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

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Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

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Residential Property & Conveyancing, Commercial Property | BTMK Alan Simpson

Tracy Stone

Residential Property & Conveyancing, Commercial Property | BTMK Alan Simpson

Emily Gowers

Residential Property & Conveyancing | BTMK Marcus Baum

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