As bankruptcy and winding-up restrictions ease following Covid-19, there is anticipated to be a deluge of Applications to Set Aside Statutory Demands which is often the first step on the route to a bankruptcy or insolvency procedure.

BTMK are pleased to bring to you updated guidance on the importance of the test in Crossley-Cooke v Europanel via the specialist team at Forum Chambers and Ruhi Sethi-Smith and as always, if you are considering such an application, whether you are an individual or responsible for a corporate entity, alert you to the fact that the deadlines for making such an application are very strict and the ramifications of not making an application can be severe.

Our Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team at BTMK are specialists in all areas of bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring and will guide you through the steps if you or your business are served with a Statutory Demand.


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