APIL – Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has been fighting for the rights of injured people for over 25 years. A not-for-profit campaign organisation, APIL’s 3,400 member lawyers (mainly solicitors, barristers and legal executives) are dedicated to changing the law, protecting and enhancing access to justice, and improving the services provided for victims of personal injury. Over the years APIL has grown to become the leading, most respected organisation in this field, constantly working to promote and develop expertise in the practise of personal injury law, for the benefit of injured people.

BTMK Injury are proud to be an APIL accredited practice.

You can contact our experienced team 24/7 on 03300 585 222. Call now for a FREE initial chat!

With offices in Southend, Leigh-on-Sea, Rayleigh and London, we’re local to you.

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