Sometimes a bankruptcy order is made incorrectly. Sometimes your situation may change and you may be able to apply to annul your bankruptcy, which means that your record will be clear and it will be as if the bankruptcy order was never made. This is a highly technical area and we have the experience over many years to advise you how best to pursue your application.


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Key Contacts

Lee Emptage

Corporate & Commercial / Commercial Property | BTMK Todmans

Adam Fleming

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Fiona McAnaw

Litigation & Dispute Resolution , Employment | BTMK Solicitors

Gabriella Shepherd

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Makayla Phillips

Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Insolvency & Insolvency Litigation | BTMK Solicitors

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