Everyone knows boundary and neighbourly disputes are difficult to litigate. The Court’s don’t like deciding them and cooler heads really need to prevail. We’ve got the skill, expertise and experience to make sure that when something as heated as a boundary disputes arises, you’re properly advised and protected and every step is taken to ensure that the Court sees you as the reasonable party. Of course, when the gloves have to come off, we have tenacious litigators ready to fight your corner.

Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes can be over a few feet of land or many metres and they can quickly escalate to make your living conditions far from ideal. We know precisely how to handle these types of dispute, by working with expert surveyors and boundary experts to get to the nub of the dispute and to stay on the right side of the law. These disputes quickly escalate and as a litigation team that’s been involved in over 200 mediations and alternative dispute resolution methods, we’ll always try and ensure that not only do you get the best outcome, that your future and that of your family is at the forefront of the decisions that we make.

Right of Light Disputes

Your neighbour may be building an extension or modifying their property. If it impacts on your property, we can help to ensure your rights are protected, that by acting quickly we can secure a modification to the design of their building before it impacts on valuable light to your property. See our specific section on Right of Light here.

Party Wall Disputes

If you or your neighbour are planning redevelopment works to your property, both of you must ensure that you comply with strict Party Wall legislation. We have years of experience to ensure your rights are protected, if Party Wall Awards are not made when they should be, to ensure that the legislation is complied with and if Awards are made where they shouldn’t be or if a surveyor has simply got it wrong, we’ll guide you through a very complex area of the law by applying to the County Court where necessary. We work with experienced party wall surveyors who know their area and who are the best in the business. We deal with these disputes regularly both in a domestic but also in a commercial context.

Harassment and injunctions

Sometimes neighbours just can’t or won’t get on. These disputes are rarely easy to deal with and can become nasty, quickly. Just like boundary disputes, cooler heads need to prevail. However, sometimes the other side just won’t listen. If that’s the case, we’ll handle your case robustly, and if necessary by obtaining restraining orders and injunctions to protect you, your family and your property. No one wants this situation to occur, but when it does, you need firm but sensible legal advice and your neighbours need to know you won’t be taken for granted.

Rights of Way and Property Disputes

These disputes are complicated. They require an understanding of property and land law and they require the lawyers to give the highest quality of advice to ensure that you always adopt the correct legal position. Sometimes there’s no clear answer but often there is – it just needs to be found. You can always rely on us to work closely with our property law team to ensure that we get to the bottom of the dispute and to enforce your rights where you’re…in the right.


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Key Contacts

Adam Fleming

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Fiona McAnaw

Litigation & Dispute Resolution , Employment | BTMK Solicitors

Gabriella Shepherd

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Emily Aylott

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Solicitors

Makayla Phillips

Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Insolvency & Insolvency Litigation | BTMK Solicitors

Isobel MacKenzie

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

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