Building disputes can range from a straightforward contract for a small extension or the construction of a conservatory. They can also involve large scale rebuilding projects involving many different contractors, other professionals, architects, structural engineers and they can become more complex when dealing with listed buildings. Fortunately, our litigation team has dealt with all types of building and construction disputes and we have experience of using all of the dispute resolution methods that are available in this highly technical area of the law. We’ve litigated in the Technology & Construction Court, we’ve dealt with Adjudications, Arbitrations, Mediations, Joint Settlement Meetings and we’re always there to protect you and your property.


We’ve years of experience in dealing with adjudication. We use specialist barristers where necessary who understand the nature of this type of dispute resolution, aiming to provide a quick and relatively cost effective dispute mechanism and often allowing the parties to move on after dealing with a dispute that comes across from time to time in long running building and construction projects. The entire process is designed to be streamlined, fast and binding and you need solicitors who can work quickly, efficiently and in a team to make the most of this resolution method.


Arbitration is generally a private, enforceable and binding method of dispute resolution and in the days of vastly expensive litigation, is thought to provide a cost effective way of being able to deal with complex and highly technical disputes. We know the best abritrators in the business, we know the preparation required to deal with this method of dispute resolution and we work with the best barristers at the top chambers to ensure that your case is prepared properly and to give you the best chance of success.


If the gloves have to come off, then we’re in your corner to obtain the result you’re after. Our advantage is in our team, with strength in depth at all levels and with experience of litigating over complex construction projects, working with other professionals and really concentrating on the parts of the litigation that will make a difference to your case. We’ve litigated highly complex design projects in the City of London, pursued claims in negligence against architects over a cooling facility in Essex and pursued various contractors in a multiple-owner site with competing building interests. We really have the litigation know-how to deal with project based litigation, working with you and with tightly controlled budgets, insurance backed where necessary to ensure your project is properly protected.


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Key Contacts

Fiona McAnaw

Litigation & Dispute Resolution , Employment | BTMK Solicitors

Adam Fleming

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Emily Aylott

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Solicitors

Makayla Phillips

Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Insolvency & Insolvency Litigation | BTMK Solicitors

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