What is a freezing injunction?

A freezing injunction is a court order which prevents a party from disposing of or dealing with its assets where a Court Judgment is going to be likely. A freezing injunction is an essential tool for those looking to protect assets to ensure those assets are available to satisfy a court Judgment and not put beyond the reach of a creditor. It is vital to take early control and deal with the requirements of the order.  These Court Orders are very serious and require immediate action.

If you find yourself in this situation – you need to act quickly. Whether you’ve been served with this type of Court Order of you are about to sue a person or a Company and you feel that they may take this evasive action. Don’t hesitate – take urgent advice from our specialist team.

BTMK has a wealth of experience acting on behalf of businesses and individuals in obtaining, opposing and dealing with freezing and other types of urgent injunctions. For expert assistance with obtaining or responding to a freezing order, contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

If you’ve been served with a Freezing Order, ensure you contact us at the first possible opportunity as a failure to comply with the terms of such a Court Order can bring very severe penalties.

Our phone lines are available 24/7 for these types of matters on 03300 585 222

BTMK have significant experience in handling disputes and matters such as these and which involve complying with or obtaining Court Orders at very short notice.  An example of our work in this area is here https://www.btmksolicitors.co.uk/news-updates/missing-millions-and-the-vanishing-lawyer/


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Key Contacts

Adam Fleming

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

Fiona McAnaw

Litigation & Dispute Resolution , Employment | BTMK Solicitors

Emily Aylott

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Solicitors

Makayla Phillips

Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Insolvency & Insolvency Litigation | BTMK Solicitors

Isobel MacKenzie

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Gabriella Shepherd

Litigation & Dispute Resolution | BTMK Todmans

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