BTMK Solicitors – Lasting Powers of Attorney Experts in Southend

We will provide you with advice on the preparation and the registration of a Lasting Power of Attorney in Southend.

Advising the Elderly in Southend

Our professional team are experts at dealing with vulnerable clients, and have extensive experience in advising the elderly, due to many years of working with clients of all ages – and often several generations of the same family. We tailor our advice to your needs, and our aim is to make every step of the way as straightforward and easy as possible for you. This can include advice on asset protection, long term care contracts, Powers of Attorney, Court of Protections issues, making gifts, wills, Statutory Wills and funeral planning. We appreciate that it isn’t always easy for clients to get to us, and if you are unable to attend our offices, we offer home visits.

Court of Protection in Southend

A Court of Protection application may be necessary when a person lacks mental capacity to make certain decisions and has not previously set up Lasting Powers of Attorney. People may lack mental capacity for many reasons, such as serious brain injury, illness, dementia or severe disability. It may occur in totally unexpected circumstances, such as going into hospital for an operation or procedure and it not going as planned. Somebody interested in their welfare can apply to the Court of Protection to become their Deputy. If authorised, the Deputy will be able to make decisions for them. Lasting Powers of Attorney, made when the person has capacity can avoid this. However, should it be necessary, we can guide you through the whole application process. We are one of the few firms in the region with a dedicated, highly experienced litigation solicitor specialising in wills, inheritance and probate work. Where we can, we always try and resolve a dispute before making an application to the Court of Protection but where this isn’t possible, we can use our significant experience of both the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Civil Procedure Rules and the Court process to ensure that applications can be made as quickly as possible, recognising that these can be challenging times for families.

You can call us 24/7 on 03300 585 222, speak to an expert via our live chat feature or organise a call-back, email exchange or meeting via our contact form. You can meet with any of our legal teams across all specialisms at either of our dedicated Southend offices, or at any one of our other offices in Leigh-on-Sea, Rayleigh and London.

Kavita Ryatt

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts and Probate | BTMK Goodson

Mark Goodson

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts and Probate | BTMK Goodson

Megan McKinlay

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts and Probate | BTMK Goodson

Paula Dallison

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts & Probate | BTMK Todmans

Saul Caplan

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts and Probate | BTMK Goodson

Susan Foxen

Wills, Inheritance, Trusts & Probate | BTMK Goodson

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